How long should a VAT refund take? Understanding HMRC’s timelines

22 Aug 2024
Mike Underwood

Senior product manager

When a business submits a VAT return and is due a refund, one of the most common questions is: how long does it take to get a VAT refund from HMRC? Timely VAT refunds can be crucial for businesses, especially for those that rely on strong cash flow to maintain operations. Understanding the timelines and processes involved can help you better manage expectations. However, there are also options to speed up the process, such as our InstantVAT service.

The standard VAT refund process with HMRC

Once your VAT return is submitted to HMRC, the processing of a VAT refund typically takes between 10 to 15 working days. However, this is just a rough guideline and the actual time may vary depending on several factors:

1. Accuracy of your VAT return – If there are discrepancies or errors in your return, this could trigger further checks, delaying the process.

2. HMRC checks – HMRC may select your return for further verification, especially if it involves large amounts or unusual claims. This can lead to additional delays, sometimes lasting weeks or even months.

3. Payment processes – Once HMRC verifies the VAT return, it can still take several days for the funds to reach your bank account due to HMRC’s separate payment processing team.

Factors that may cause delays in your VAT refund

While the standard timeline is around 10 to 15 working days, certain circumstances can lead to significant delays:

Enquiries and audits: If HMRC identifies any issues with your return, such as irregularities or inconsistencies, they may conduct a more in-depth investigation. This could take several weeks or even months depending on the complexity.

Seasonal backlogs: During busy periods, such as the end of a financial year or after significant tax events, HMRC might experience delays due to the sheer volume of returns being processed.

Incorrect bank details: Mistakes in providing your bank account details could also slow things down, so double-check your information when submitting your return.

Let us help

What can you do if your VAT refund is delayed?

If your VAT refund is delayed beyond the usual timeframe, it is often a frustrating experience, especially for businesses that rely on regular cash flow. Your first step should be to contact HMRC directly to enquire about the status of your refund.

However, HMRC’s customer service can be slow, and hold times are often long. To avoid the stress of tracking down your refund, many UK businesses now turn to InstantVAT for a quicker and smoother process.

InstantVAT: a faster solution to VAT refunds

InstantVAT is designed to help UK businesses receive their VAT refunds faster than the traditional HMRC process. While HMRC’s timeline can vary, InstantVAT can secure your refund within as little as 24 hours after HMRC verifies the claim.

Here’s how it works:

Improved cash flow: With InstantVAT, you don’t have to wait for HMRC’s slow payment processing. You get your refund immediately after the verification, allowing you to reinvest in your business or cover other costs.

Peace of mind: You can trust that your VAT refund is in safe hands. Our team of VAT specialists, including ex-HMRC officers, is dedicated to getting your money back to you as quickly as possible.

Less hassle: Instead of spending time chasing HMRC or waiting for updates, you’ll receive real-time notifications from InstantVAT about the status of your refund.

Support during delays: If HMRC delays your refund, our team will advocate on your behalf, ensuring that any issues are addressed and that your refund is processed as quickly as possible.

So, how long does it take to get a VAT refund from HMRC? The answer is typically between 10 and 15 working days, but delays can happen, especially if HMRC requires additional checks or if you submit during a busy period.

For businesses that rely on quick access to their VAT refunds, InstantVAT is a reliable solution that eliminates the long waiting periods. With our fast-track service, you can get your refund within 24 hours, helping to boost your cash flow and giving you peace of mind. If you’re tired of waiting for HMRC, it may be time to explore how InstantVAT can work for you.

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